Monday, October 10, 2005

Mass Cleavage

In it's abundance, it's a good thing. :) Ren Fest was a good time. Little Blue hung out with Aunt B while Pink and I took in the Festival. Saw a ton of art we wanted but couldn't afford, a long lost friend we only see at the festival each year, and a lot of good food that we could afford. Alas, I couldn't justify waiting 30 minutes for a turkey leg, but we did have stuffed crepes, soup in a bread bowl, and some Woodchuck Hard Cider. :) I slapped on my poofy pirate pants, my green poofy shirt, belt, knee high boots and a couple of pouches to hold the necessities. Pink donned her two skirts, both different shades of purple, a white undershirt, and a purple and blue boddace, which, of course, yours truely knows how to lace up!

Dad always said I'd make a good wife some day! :)

It's nice going in your garb because most of the actors that wander the streets leave you alone except for the occasional "g'day," so you can really enjoy everyone being harassed by the various actors. Even as Pink and I were enjoying our bread bowls, one actor carrying old fashioned sheep shears caught up with a teeniebopper blabbin on her cell phone. "," she says into the phone, "I'm at the festival and there's some strange guy following me." My chivalry mode kicked in until I saw it was the actor, and I chuckled. Apparantly our sheep shear carrying friend had an affinity for cutting small locks of hair. They came running around the bench I we were eating at, slowly working up to a jog. Getting tired of the ruse, the actor called it how it is.

"Trust me milady, I'm hear all the day, and there's nothing I'd love more to chase you and your lovely locks around these fair woods."

With a polite threat like that, she finally caved.

Little Blue had a great time with Aunt B. She's got a barn of dogs and cats Little Blue got to play with, and no doubt as housecleaning was on Aunt B's wishlist for the day, she got a near three foot tall helper for the entire day. Though...I admit...his hair did smell a bit like pine sol when I picked him up. A mop? Ya think?

Possible, Little B did help me with the laundry, vaccuming, picking up toys, and even the dishes if you can believe it. It comes much more enjoyable when he can hand you the spoon, forks and knives (yes, butter knives only!), and tells you what each are before he hands them over. :) I know the willingness to do chores will slowly wane, so I must take advantage of it now!

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